Judge Anne Levinson (Ret.) was the founding judge for Seattle’s Mental Health Court, the first municipal mental health court in the country. Since leaving the bench, she has advised government, courts, and non-profits on complex system reform, led multi-disciplinary reviews, provided independent oversight and subject matter expertise, and developed and helped author and advocate for policy and legislation to improve outcomes on a range of issues. She co-chaired a blue ribbon commission to review State child welfare, juvenile justice, and related services, culminating in legislation that created the first State agency for children, youth and families integrating child welfare, early learning, adolescent and juvenile justice programs and moving the State to a research-based, data-informed, prevention service model; reviewed complaints and investigations of alleged police misconduct and recommended ways to strengthen policy, procedures, training, and collective bargaining agreements, provided independent, outside review of accountability systems, and helped author and secure passage of local and state legislation to enhance law enforcement accountability; led a review of ways to more effectively implement and enforce court orders to relinquish firearms intended to reduce the risk of lethality in civil protection order cases, culminating in the creation of a regional multi-disciplinary unit using a harm reduction, risk-based approach, developing model policies, and securing legislative reforms to strengthen state law; and spearheaded the work of a broad coalition to help craft and enact comprehensive state legislation to reduce barriers for survivors and enhance access to justice by updating, aligning, and consolidating the six existing civil protection order laws, enacting new ways to serve orders, file petitions, and conduct hearings, and providing for statewide best practices for courts in civil protection order proceedings (E2SHB 1320).